Flexible Family Plan

How does it work?

Moving your personal mobile plan to Nexys Mobile under your employer’s business account, isn’t just a win for you; it benefits your family too. With this service your employer not only picks up the tab for your personal line you also get a 2nd Line for business, and your family gets truly unlimited talk, text and data.

Now you can stop scrambling your business and personal lives. With 2nd Line you get all the perks of a dedicated business line without needing a second phone, and you can bring your family along too. Just add your billing information, and we’ll charge the family-related costs to you, while your employer covers your line. Everyone wins.

Take your plan with you

What happens if you part ways with your company? No worries—you can easily decouple your phone and family plan from the business account. You’ll return to having your personal number and your family plan as an add-on, all on Nexys Mobile’s robust network (powered by T-Mobile). And if you ever wish to switch providers, you can do so, with no penalties.