Nexline is for people with multiple WhatsApp accounts

Nexline adds another line to your personal phone, so you don’t need to carry two phones or mix up different identities on the same phone. It’s perfect for managing multiple WhatsApp accounts, or your side-hustle!

Protects your Privacy

Having 2 lines on one phone, helps you protect your privacy and keep different sides of your life separate from one another. Personal vs Work, Dating vs Living. A 2nd Line unscrambles your life.

Always in Control

Nexline lets you screen new acquaintances and get to know them on your terms, ensuring you only allow the best into your inner circle.

Totally Risk-Free

You don’t even have to switch providers to get the benefits of a second line.

Not delighted after your free-trial — just drop it, no harm done, nothing to back out of.

Sign up now, you are minutes away from enjoying the privacy of Nexline.

Business Features

Call Screening

Unique Greetings

Separate Voicemail

Visual Voicemail

Separate Contacts

Separate WhatsApp

Unlimited Calling

Number Blocking

Separate Ringtone

7 Day free trial, Zero Risk. No change to your current phone plan required.

If you have multiple lives, two lines on one phone keeps you sane

Now you can:

Manage two WhatsApp accounts

Maintain separate contact lists​

Have unique greetings on each line ​

Segregate work and personal ​

Screen callers to your 2nd Line

Zero Risk, give it a try.

7 day Free Trial

You don’t need to change your current service in any way to add Nexline to your existing phone. You simply download our app, and you instantly have two lines on one phone. And Nexline comes with professional business calling features.

Download the App